2017 Exhibitor Listing
Pokemon Gym Leader Squad | Interactive |
1,000,000 comix | Other |
Adorable Creatives | Other |
Aleksandar Kuzmanovic Games | Games |
Andy Nichol | Artwork |
Anime North | Communty |
AniMerch | Collectables |
Art by Angela | Artwork |
ART Industries | Comics |
Arts Project / Ting Festival | Community |
Ashley Valentini (Thirty-One Gifts) | Other |
Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians | Community |
Autism Ontario | Community |
Awesome Oddities | Crafts |
Bailie Rosenlund Illustration / Kari Lynch | Artwork |
Baldwin Lee’s Akibazone | Comics |
Barkenstein Designs | Crafts |
Bell (Sponsor) | Other |
Bellchamber Rings Custom Jewellery | Crafts |
BlankSpace Publications | Comics / Collectables / Games |
Bling in the Attic | Other |
Board and Tale Games | Other |
Brenden Cameron Games | Other |
Bruce Lee Display | Community |
Cactus Mafia | Other |
CaptainPiika | Artwork |
Capture Paranormal Investigations | Other |
Casey Parsons Illustrations | Artwork |
Chained Creativity | Crafts |
Chris Loblaw – Author | Other |
Cindergardens | Crafts |
CK Expo | Communty |
Con Bravo | Communty |
Craft Hackers | Crafts |
Creative Henna | Artwork |
Cunning Illustration | Artwork |
Cusp of Gemini | Other |
Dale Jardine | Crafts |
Dalek Harper | Community |
Dark Arts Defense League | Community |
David Caesar Art | Artwork |
David M. Kelly | Other |
Downtown London | Community |
Dream Costumes Worbla Supply | Crafts |
Duskleaf Media | Comics |
Elite Minifigures | Collectables |
Elsewhere Media | Comics |
Evil & Enchanted Jewelry | Other |
Exodus London Escape Rooms | Other |
Extra Life – London Guild | Other |
Fan of the Sport | Collectables |
FANATICS | Community |
Fanshawe College (Sponsor) | Other |
Fire and Steel | Collectables |
Flames | Artwork |
Forest City Anime, Culture & Cosplay | Cosplay |
Forest City Coins | Comics |
Forest City Surplus | Collectables |
Frost Con | Communty |
Galaxy games and media | Games |
Game On Entertainment Services | Games |
Geek @ <3 | Crafts |
Geek Studio | Crafts |
Genre Con | Communty |
Gizmo’s | Collectables |
Glitterbug Designs | Other |
gr8collectables | Collectables |
Hall Of Names Toronto | Collectables |
Heroes | Comics |
Hunter Geek | Crafts |
Hutton House | Community |
Icy Jewelery | Crafts |
Inferno Cat | Collectables |
inomnom | Artwork |
Jamie MK Jardine | Artwork |
Jellysquid Crafts | Crafts |
Jen Lipski Fine Art | Artwork |
Jon Berg | Comics |
Josh Rivers/Cardboard Cafe | Community |
Jpaintings | Artwork |
Julio Del Hierro | Artwork |
jupejuperocket art | Other |
KameHouse | Collectables |
Knightmares & Daydreams | Artwork |
Koolectibles | Collectables |
Kraken Not Stirred | Other |
L.A. Mood Comics and Games | Comics / Collectables / Games |
Lady Cottontail | Artwork |
Lara Johnson Art | Artwork |
Laser Quest | Community |
Legend of Korra – Pro Bending Arena Demo | Other |
Legion of doom | Cosplay |
Liane McConnell | Artwork |
Lillian’s Hats | Crafts |
Lipsense | Other |
London Public Library | Community |
LONDON ROCK | Comics |
London Rogues | Communty |
Love, Poetry Corsets/Magpie Bath | Other |
Lunar Comics | Other |
m4tt3rCr4ft5 | Artwork |
Ma Cobb’s Hat Shoppe | Crafts |
Manic Made Geekery | Crafts |
MARZ Publishing | Artwork |
McCulloch’s Costumes | Other |
Mike Freitas Models | Other |
Moe’s Attic | Other |
Morgan’s Organs | Comics |
mowgen | Artwork |
MSG Imaging | Artwork |
MV Artistry | Artwork |
Neo Tokyo, The Anime Store | Comics / Collectables / Games |
Nikkimomos | Crafts |
Nino Vecia Illustration | Artwork |
Nitsirks World | Artwork |
NorthernDreamPaint | Artwork |
Otaku-Loot | Collectables |
OWL LONDON | Community |
Oxford Renaissance Festival | Community |
Pat’s Fashions | Comics |
Perlers by Dizzy Dots | Crafts |
PixelCollieCreations | Crafts |
PixlBitches | Crafts |
Plaguey | Artwork |
Pop Culture Canada | Communty |
Pop Fiction | Artwork |
Purrblind | Cosplay |
Random Encounter Comics | Comics |
RAVEFIRELL | Artwork |
Red Moon Glassworks | Other |
Rodrigo Bravo | Artwork |
Runic Custom | Crafts |
Sandy’s Treasures | Collectables |
Sarnia Pop Culture Show | Communty |
Sequential Fiction | Other |
Sew Loretsy | Crafts |
Sherisse Buck | Artwork |
Sipco Games | Games |
Sisi’s | Collectables |
Skyfox Games | Comics / Collectables / Games |
SoDaT | Artwork |
Solace Games/Devoted Publishing | Games |
Spicecat and Sugarbat | Artwork |
Squire Sword Standees | Artwork |
START | Artwork |
Stephen B. Pearl | Other |
Sticks & Sewn | Crafts |
Stray Life Studio | Artwork |
Stuff of Legends | Collectables |
Superhero Sanctum | Collectables |
Syndicon | Communty |
The AFK Gamer | Collectables |
The Art of Bunny G | Artwork |
The Art of Derek Laufman | Artwork |
The Game Chamber | Other |
The Geekery | Crafts |
The Good Egg Club | Crafts |
The Gorgon’s Eye | Crafts |
The Hood Archery | Activity |
The Indestructible (Harvey Comics) | Comics |
The Littlest Gift Boutique | Collectables |
The Ontario Swedish Chef | Community |
The Rice Hat Samurai Studio | Crafts |
the scrappy scientist | Artwork |
The Sewing Sheep | Crafts |
the Sidekick Hangout | Comics / Collectables / Games |
ThinkNu | Artwork |
Toronto Comics Anthology | Comics |
trap-sama/TenguxChan/tired-kun | Artwork |
Tricity studio | Artwork |
Uber Cool Stuff | Other |
Underdog Toys | Comics |
Underworld larp | Community |
Underworld Shop And Design | Games |
weelittlestitches | Crafts |
Whimsical Squid Creations | Crafts |
White’s Wands | Crafts |
Wicked Links Artisan | Crafts |
Windsor Funko Pop Friends | Collectables |
Wire Princess | Crafts |
Wizardoof | Crafts |
Wulfthorpe Living History | Vikings |
X-S Cards and Games | Games |
Yeti Con | Communty |
Zelpha Comics/Homemade Game guru | Crafts |