Boxing Day Sales from ComiCon Partners

Our Comic Shop partners at L.A. Mood & Heroes have both posted up info for boxing day sales!   Here’s the details:

L.A. Mood Comics & Games

Boxing Week Sales!
Dec 26 at 10 AM until Dec 31 at 4 PM

10/20/30% off when you buy 1x/2x/3 or more regular priced board games, card games, and role-playing games
(not including Magic, Yugioh, and other collectable card games)

50% off vinyl records
50% off all back issues
50% off all graphic novels
25% off all toys, statues and supplies

Heroes Comics

Boxing Week Bonanza

Wednesday, Dec 26 until Monday, December 31

20% off all Toys & Statues
30% off all card singles
25-30% off graphic novels
40-50% off all back issues

And much more!