Event Tips & Tricks
Ways to help make your day at Forest City ComiCon GREAT!
A Few Weeks before the Show
Make Sure You Promote! – We welcome exhibitors to make use of our Facebook Page, Event Page, and Twitter. Tell the fans you’re excited for the upcoming show and highlight your products! Consider making a special offer. Make sure fans are anticipating your attendance before they even arrive. Check our list of promotional tips for more details.
Review your Load Details – once this package arrives, review it carefully. It has everything you need for a successful load-in! Exhibitors who read this package avoid confusion and are sure to have a more successful and low-stress load-in.

The Morning of the Show
Arrive on Time – Arriving late for your load in time can cause challenges in the loading dock. Keep load in low-stress by arriving on time (not too early, not late) to help prevent backlogs in the loading dock.
Work with our Team During the Load– During load in/out, our team is happy to help you if you will let us! Volunteers are trained to ask before picking up boxes but you can help them by directly asking for their help. Working together is part of what makes load in at Forest City work! If you have boxes that are breakable or should only be touched by you, we invite you to mark these boxes as well.

During The Show
Have an Appealing Looking Space – Signage, banners, coloured table cloths, a shelving backdrop, and more are all great ways to get your booth noticed.
Stay Engaged! – Resist the urge to look at cell phones at the expense of engaging with fans. Fans can spot a bored exhibitor. Exhibitors who appear engaged with fans are more likely to have them stop and take notice: if you’re happy, the fans are happy!
Have a Helper – There may be times where you need to leave the booth for a break. Have a person you can rely on with you who is able to take over during these times. This can also be helpful during peak times at the show.
Use Social Media – Tweet to @forestCTcomicon and use the hashtag #FCCC
Be Prepared for the Unexpected – Bandaids, tape, sign-making materials, powerbars, and more are all things to consider putting into your convention kit.
After the Show
Please Don’t Pack up Early: Following the load-out schedule maximizes sales times for you (and floor times for fans!). Forest City Comicon’s timelines may be different from other shows you have been to. The show has fewer hours but larger attendance, which means by packing up early you are robbing yourself of potential sales – – especially considering that the loading dock cannot open until the show floor is officially closed. Fans have told us in the past that they often wait until the last hour of the show to make purchases, once they have browsed the entire venue.

Promotions Guide
The fans want to know you are coming! Build anticipation towards the show and your appearance BEFORE fans arrive:
Tools & Links:
– Registered exhibitors are welcome to use the logo at right in their promotions. Please do not stretch or distort the logo. Thank-you!
– Our main Facebook Page is located here: https://www.facebook.com/ForestCityComicon/
Twitter Promotions
Promote your exhibit through Twitter! Check out these samples & tips:
– Always include @forestCTcomicon – – we may retweet you increasing your reach!
– Always include a picture.
– Other hashtags and mentions of use in London include: #FCCC #LdnOnt #LdnEnt and @London_Events
– Remember: Forest City Comicon is an all-ages show, make sure your post is all-ages friendly!
Facebook Promotions
Promote your exhibit through Facebook! Check out these samples & tips:
-Post to the main page AND the event page
-Post the event page to your own Facebook Page to let your customers know where you will be.
-Forest City ComiCon is an all-ages show, make sure your post is all-ages friendly!
-Don’t post too frequently – – once a week does the trick.
Facebook Event
Are you creating an Facebook event from your business page? This should only be done by expert users. Most exhibitors do well simply making use of the main event page.
If you must create an event for promotional purposes:
-Make sure to name it “Your Business at Forest City ComiCon”. Naming it just “Forest City ComiCon” causes fan confusion with the main page.
-Always include a link in the description to our official homepage and event page (in case event details change). Ie. “For the most up to date details on the event, check the official event page <<link>>”.
-<<Never>> delete a Facebook Event once you have created it. Doing so sends out a cancellation notice to everyone who RSVP’d, which can cause confusion (ie. did the convention get cancelled?). If you are unable to attend the show, simply post to your event page and change the name.