Forest City Comicon Returns to London in September

thefloorMark your calendars: London Ontario’s celebration of nerd and geek culture like no other, The Forest City Comicon featuring Project Play, is set to return to the London Convention Centre in 2017. The fourth-annual event will run all day on Saturday, September 23. The exhibitor floor will be open from 9am-6pm with more programming and events running into the evening up until 11pm.

“Our goal is to put on a signature event for London and all of our changes this year are driven by fan and vendor feedback,” explained committee member John Houghton. “We had great feedback through our fan survey and also from word of mouth on the convention floor.”

That feedback spurred organizers toward a surprise return to a single-day event, which will now be held in September with extended hours and improved ticket pricing.

“We know from fans that the Saturday this year was a really big day,” explained Houghton. “Switching to a single-day event is going to allow us to put the second days resources into even stronger programming and improved participant ticket pricing while still maintaining the top-quality special events Forest City Comicon & Project Play has become known for.”

thefloor2The event will also be moving from November to its new date in September.

“Each year we have a look at the calendar to find the best fit for date,” explained Houghton. “Our new date in September allows us to schedule around a number of local events and take advantage of better September weather which is important especially for some of our outdoor displays.”

Details about the event, including special guests, ticket offers, panels, and other special announcements will be released in the months leading up to the convention. Vendor pre-registration to secure early bird rates is available immediately.

The best way to stay in the loop about Forest City Comicon news is to subscribe to receive e-mail notifications at or through social media: Forest City Comcion on Facebook or @forestCTcomicon on Twitter.


About Forest City Comicon:

The largest event of its kind in London is a celebration of nerd culture like no other: The Forest City Comicon is a London, Ontario based comic con that is set to return for its fourth season in 2017 in partnership with Project Play featuring costumes, vendors, panels, board games, video game tournaments and more. The event is a celebration of nerd culture and the popular culture that surrounds it. The 2017 event will run September 23 at the London Convention Centre.