A celebration of nerd and geek culture like no other: The Forest City ComiCon is a London, Ontario based comic con that features costumes, vendors, panels, board games, video game tournaments and more. Since 2014 the event has been a celebration of nerd culture and the popular culture that surrounds it.
Let’s talk about getting your business involved: contact [email protected] for more information and sponsorship rates or call 519-614-7010

Our Reach:
7,000 + Facebook Followers
1,500 + Followers
2,400+ Newsletter Subscribers
40,000 + Website Sessions
What's at the Show:
- Artists
- Exhibitors
- Cosplay
- Special Guests & Panels
- Board games
- Video game tournaments
Sponsorship Opportunities
Social media shout outs / promotions.
Exhibitor space on the show floor.
Recognition at major stage presentations.
Logo inclusion on website, volunteer t-shirts, printed program.
Front gate giveaways / contest prizing.
Room / stage naming opportunities.
Room / stage naming opportunities.
Celebrity guest presenting rights.
By the Numbers
2,000 Participants
*Numbers based on estimates from previous year’s events since 2014.